The College of St. Scholastica

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Faculty/Staff Directory Search Results

In most cases, please use the last 4 digits of the listed phone numbers when calling from any campus.



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Robyn Achmann
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Alajoki, Carrie
Carrie Alajoki
Assistant Professor
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Phone: (218) 723-7093
Photo Not Available
Sara Anderson
Adjunct Faculty
General College
Andrews, Vicki
Vicki Andrews
Nurse Practioner
Health Service
Office: SOMG38
Phone: (218) 625-4916
Ash, Laurel
Laurie Ash
Associate Professor
Office: S3110B
Phone: (218) 723-6763
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Angelita Babineau
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Christopher Baga
Adjunct Faculty
RN to BS
Photo Not Available
Gabrielle Bancroft Hart
Adjunct Faculty
General College
Bisila, Laurie
Laurie Bisila
Adjunct Faculty
Certified Nursing Assistant - CNA
Office: St. Cloud Campus
Bjorklund, Pamela
Pam Bjorklund
Office: T2150
Phone: (218) 723-6624
Photo Not Available
Joy Bridewell
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Claire Brinkman
Adjunct Faculty
General College
Brown, Cynthia
Cindy Brown
Assoc Professor/Director, RN to BS Track
RN to BS
Phone: (218) 723-6103
Photo Not Available
Michelle Brunn
Adjunct Faculty
General College
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Liz Buchheit
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Katt Burich
Assistant Professor
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Office: S3125C
Photo Not Available
Mackenzie Butler
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Byrne, Paula
Paula Byrne
Adjunct Faculty
RN to BS
Phone: (218) 723-6020
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Cadotte, Jody
Jody Cadotte
Adjunct Faculty
General College
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Patrick Carey
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Emily Ceglar
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Danielle Cohen
Adjunct Faculty
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Amanda Collins
Adjunct Faculty
Photo Not Available
Heather Conito
Asst Prof, Post Bacc NSG
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Stacy Cordle
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Faye Crum
Adjunct Faculty
General College
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Jill DeAngelis
Adjunct Faculty
Photo Not Available
Monica DeCaro
Adjunct Faculty
General College
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Samantha Delander
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Alysa Deneen
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Diaz, Gina
Gina Diaz
Associate Professor
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Office: S3222B
Phone: (218) 723-6008
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Photo Not Available
Breanna Diedrich
Adjunct Faculty
General College
Donahue, Beth
Beth Donahue
Asst Prof
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Office: S3220B
Phone: (218) 723-6534
Photo Not Available
Alyssa Dye
Adjunct Faculty
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Earley, Patricia
Trish Earley
Asst Professor
Phone: (218) 723-6710
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Nora Eastvold
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
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Samantha Evens
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
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Sophi Gagnon
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Mary Gdula
Asst. Prof/ANEW Project Mgr
Grants - Federal
Phone: (218) 625-4408
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Lynn Gevik
Asst Professor, NSG
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Matthew Gilbertson
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Ginsberg, Candace
Candace Ginsberg
Adjunct Faculty
RN to BS
Office: S3206B
Phone: (218) 723-6006
Grimes, Matthew
Matthew Grimes
Asst Professor, NSG
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Office: S3208C
Phone: (218) 625-4865
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Ashley Grondahl
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
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Savanna Hagen
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
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Sydney Hansen
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
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Amber Hardwig
Adjunct Faculty
General College
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Kimberly Harris
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Jessica Henkel Johnson
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Byron Herdman
Assistant Professor/Director, PBN Track
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
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Herheim, Rena
Rena Herheim
Asst Professor, Post-Bac NSG
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Office: St. Cloud Campus
Phone: (320) 625-4802
Hoffmann, Michelle
Michelle Hoffmann
Asst Professor, Nursing
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Office: S3218B
Phone: (218) 723-6209
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Catherine Howell
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Jessica Hoy
Adjunct Faculty
General College
Office: S3218D
Phone: (218) 733-2279
Photo Not Available
Mitchell Hughes
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Hultman, Karianne
Kari Hultman
Assistant Professor, NSG
RN to BS
Phone: (218) 723-6376
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Photo Not Available
Bailey Jazdzewski
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Leah Jensen
Assistant Professor, School of Health Professions
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Arlene Johnson
Adjunct Faculty
General College
Office: S3110A
Phone: (218) 723-6222
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Photo Not Available
Jonathon Johnson
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Johnson, Sherry
Sherry Johnson
Asst Prof, Grad Nursing
Phone: (218) 733-5920
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Photo Not Available
Margaret Kalina
Adjunct Faculty
RN to BS
Karch, Donna
Donna Karch
Adjunct Faculty
Applied Data Analytics
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Becky Kastanek
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
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Kemnitz, Christopher
Christopher Kemnitz
Adjunct Faculty
Phone: (218) 625-2784
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Amanda Kerola
Adjunct Faculty
General College
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Kathleen Kitter Carey
Adjunct Faculty
Certified Nursing Assistant - CNA
Kleven, Kenzie
Kenzie Kleven
Asst Prof/Director, PMHNP
Grants - State
Photo Not Available
Emma Kman
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Knuths, Julie
Julie Knuths
Adjunct Faculty
General College
Office: S3110
Phone: (218) 723-5945
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Rebecca Kohlhaas
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
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Tera Koivu
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
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Reed Kolles
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Joan Kotila
Asst Professor, NSG
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Larson, Mary
Mary Larson
Adjunct Faculty
General College
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Allison Lesmann
Adjunct Faculty
General College
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Sierra Lidahl
Adjunct Faculty
General College
Lindgren, Lori
Lori Lindgren
Asst Professor, NSG
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Carly Linn
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Lozinski, Madelynn
Maddie Lozinski
Instructor, NSG
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Denise Lund
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
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Photo Not Available
Amber Martens
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Mason, Barbara
Barb Mason
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Office: S3208A
Phone: (218) 723-6247
Mattson, SueAnne
SueAnn Mattson
Associate Professor, NSG
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Office: S3220C
Phone: (218) 723-6231
Photo Not Available
Sarah McCarthy
Assistant Professor
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Susan McCoy
Adjunct Faculty
General College
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McCumber, Sara
Sara McCumber
Professor/Dir AGPCNP, Interim Dir FNP Track
Phone: (218) 625-4483
Meyer, Katherine
Katherine Meyer
Assistant Professor
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Office: S3222A
Phone: (218) 723-5945
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Mary Miller
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
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Rachel Moe
Adjunct Faculty
General College
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Mychele Montgomery
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Arrin Moran
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Mrdutt, Wendy
Wendy Mrdutt
Asst Professor, NSG
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Phone: (218) 723-7003
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Photo Not Available
Kendra Nielson
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Nierengarten, Matthew
Matthew Nierengarten
Assistant Professor
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Office: S3208D
Phone: (218) 723-6003
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Photo Not Available
Hannah Nordskog
Adjunct Faculty
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Mark Norgard
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Office: S3216D
Phone: (218) 723-6222
Photo Not Available
Nikki Norland
Adjunct Faculty
General College
Nygren, Matthew
Matthew Nygren
Assistant Professor/AGACNP Director
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Nikki Oliver
Adjunct Faculty
General College
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Elizabeth Olson
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Kari Olson
Asst Prof, Post-Bacc Nsg
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Olson, Pam
Pam Olson
Online Student Advisor, RN/BS
Academic Advisement & Registration
Phone: (218) 723-5975
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Brittany Ortler
Adjunct Faculty
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Photo Not Available
Mary Patterson Friedmeyer
Assistant Professor
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Office: S3220A
Phone: (218) 723-6255
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Jake Pederson
Adjunct Faculty
General College
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Maria Pelleschi
Adjunct Faculty
RN to BS
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Karry Pepper
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
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Valery Petermeier
Visiting Instructor
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Nita Peterson
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Pettinelli, Brooke
Brooke Pettinelli
Asst Prof, Grad Nursing
Phone: (218) 723-7038
Pfeifer, Carrie
Carrie Pfeifer
Assistant Professor
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Ashlie Pilarski
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Sarah Pilon
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Kelly Polcher
Assistant Professor, Nursing Department
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Photo Not Available
Sarah Ransom
Assistant Professor
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Jill Rehl
Adjunct Faculty
General College
Photo Not Available
Amos Restad
Assistant Professor
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Office: S3208B
Phone: (218) 723-6005
Richie, Kaytlin
Kaytlin Richie
Assistant Professor, NSG
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Office: S3220D
Phone: (218) 625-4929
Photo Not Available
Angie Rickheim
Adjunct Faculty
Photo Not Available
Ashley Rood
Adjunct Faculty
General College
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Sandahl, Sheryl
Sheryl Sandahl
Professor and Chair, Nursing
Grants - Federal
Office: S3110D
Phone: (218) 723-6390
Schmitz, Elisa
Elisa Schmitz
Assoc Professor, NSG
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Office: S3218C
Phone: (218) 723-6780
Photo Not Available
Karen Schuder
Adjunct Faculty
General College
Senenfelder, Tristan
Tristan Senenfelder
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
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Andi Seppelt
Associate Professor/DNP Program Director
Photo Not Available
Angie Sersha
Adjunct Faculty
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Jess Shade
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
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Nikki Shockley
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Photo Not Available
Carly Sigurdson
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
Smith, Laura
Laura Smith
Assistant Professor
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Office: S3222D
Phone: (218) 723-6214
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Starr, Lisa
Lisa Starr
Asst Professor, Nursing
Phone: (218) 723-7051
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Allyson Stewart
Adjunct Faculty
General College
Stewart, Elizabeth
Elizabeth Stewart
Assistant Professor
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
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Photo Not Available
Eleanor Theisen
Adjunct Faculty
General College
Tingum, JoAnn
Joann Tingum
Adjunct Faculty
General College
Office: S3125C
Phone: (218) 723-7035
Photo Not Available
Kelly Treml
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
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Rebecca Udermann
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
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White, Gregory
Greg White
Associate Professor, Dir, TUG Track, NSG
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
Office: S3208B
Phone: (218) 723-6789
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Mark Wiita
Adjunct Faculty
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Jill Wilcken
Adjunct Faculty
Transitional Doctor of PT
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Julie Woitalla
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
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Cheryl Wood
Adjunct Faculty
Postbaccalaureate Nursing
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Sarah Yokel
Adjunct Faculty
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Hannah Yoki
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
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Mindy Young
Adjunct Faculty
Traditional Undergraduate Nursing
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Nik Zhelev
Adjunct Faculty
General College

Carrie Alajoki, DNP, MSN, APRN,FNP-C



Dr. Carrie Alajoki has focused much of her nursing career focusing on high quality care in the rural setting.  Her DNP degree was earned at The College of St. Scholastica with specializaton as a Family Nurse Practitioner.  Her MSN focused on nursing education and her teaching interests include the adult learning and creative teaching strategies such as the online learning environment.  Dr. Alajoki's nursing experience includes advanced practice care as a provider in family medicine.  In addition, she has experience as a registered nurse in medical/surgical, emergency nursing, occupational health and wellness, and obstetrics - including labor and delivery, newborn care, and postpartum care .

Recent Achievements:

Carrie Alajoki prepared a poster presentation for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning conference in Savanah Georgia that focused on "Adding a Faculty-Led Online Interactive Meeting in an Hybrid Nursing Course.


Vicki Andrews,


Laurel Ash, DNP, CNP, RN

Ash, Laurel J

Position: Chair Graduate Nursing/ NP Director, Associate Professor, NSG


Education: University Of Minnesota-Bachelor of Science Nursing, College of St. Catherine-MSN, Adult and Gero NPCertificate, Pediatric NP Cerficate- Rush University- Doctor of Nursing Practice

Recent Publication: Cowrote Chapter 6 Interprofessional Collaboration in  (2021) edition of The Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials

Biography: Dr. Ash is an associate professor and serves as the Chair of the Graduate Nursing Department and Nurse Practitioner Director since January 2020.  Prior to that, she was the East Market Lead for Essentia Health NP/PA Transition to Practice program and a family nurse practitioner in Proctor and other East Market clinics.  Over the years, she has been a member of the Essentia Primary Care Department, the System Peer Review Council and a representative on the Essential APRN/PA council. Dr. Ash has taught multiple courses for DNP APRNs at CSS over her tenure. Her 2005 DNP Project was entitled "Developing a Population Based Student Health Services" and resulted in the formation of the Well U program at CSS. She also developed the Cardiovascular Prevention Clinic for employees at CSS and served as the first primary care NP in the nurse-run Student Health Services at CSS. Other practice sites have included Eldercare and Urgent Care at Essentia Health. Dr. Ash began her NP practice at Allina in Northfield Family Practice. She has contributed to book chapters, done podium and break out presentations on multiple topics.

Courses recently taught: All clinical courses in the FNP track including Pediatrics, Adult, and Older Adult. DNP project courses and supporting DNP course (Evidenced Based Practice, Heatlh Program Evaluation) . Dr. Ash is co-developing Introduction to the DNP course for new cohort Summer 2021.



Laurie Bisila, MSN, RN, PHN



Palm Beach State College- Associates of Science in Nursing (ASN)- 1994

Liberty University- Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN)- 2013

Liberty University- Masters of Science in Nursing (MSN)- 2016

College of St. Scholastica- DNP- Anticipated graduation May 2021


Biography: Assistant Professor Bisila has over 20 years of nursing experience dedicating her career primarily to geriatric and Hospice nursing. For the past four years she has taught at two different institutions, preparing healthcare workers for medical practice. She has taught nursing assistants, practical nursing and post baccalaureate nursing.


Recent Achievements: Laurie Bisila is a member of Sigma Theta Tau, National Nurses Association, Nurses Christian Fellowship and Hospice and Palliative Nurse Association.  A Member of the AACN Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Group. A member of the EUE Fellowship which focuses on improving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at CSS. Additionally, she is certified as a Healing Touch Practitioner and as a Public Health Nurse.



Pamela Bjorklund, PhD, APRN, PMHNP-BC, CNS-BC

Dr. Bjorklund is a Professor Emerita from the Department of Graduate Nursing, School of Nursing, on the Duluth campus of The College of St. Scholastica (CSS). She taught full-time in the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program, teaching core courses, clinical project courses, and role/ population courses in the Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner program until her retirement in 2022. She remains engaged in clinical practice at the Student Center for Health and Well-Being (SCHAWB), providing psychiatric evaluations, psychotropic medication management, and brief psychotherapy to student clients.


In 2006, she received a PhD in Nursing with a minor in Bioethics from the University of Minnesota, along with a Distinguished Dissertation Award for the “best dissertation” in Education and the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Her dissertation represented the University of Minnesota in the National Council of Graduate Schools’ dissertation competition for the years 2006-2008. In 2009, she received the Lavine Award for Teaching Excellence from The College of St. Scholastica. Dr. Bjorklund came to CSS from the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver, Colorado, where she received both her MS and BS in Nursing. She also has a BA in Theatre Arts with a minor in English from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.


Cynthia Brown, DNP, RN, PHN, RDN

Cynthia Brown’s clinical focus is in public health, nutrition, and substance use disorders. Her professional interests  include community/public health, working with underserved & vulnerable populations, service-learning, chemical dependency/addiction, and the harm reduction model. She is also involved in various service-learning initiatives in local and global settings. 


Paula Byrne, DNP, PHN, RN

My area of specialty lies in the practice of nursing in rural areas. I have worked in arctic Alaska, critical access hospitals, and home health/hospice in remote areas. As healthcare delivery changes, and the role of nursing shifts away from acute care and into chronic disease management and health promotion, rural nurses will be invaluable links to provide quality care. 

My teaching experiences begin in rural Alaska with some of the first distance delivery methods in place. It was quite interesting to teach American Heart Association CPR to Inupiat Eskimo first responders who truly understood how far away you might be from an acute care hospital setting. Currently I teach Professional Nursing courses for the undergraduate nursing program helping students see the complex relationships between healthcare policy, cost of care delivery, and the unique role of each staff nurse as a leader.   All nurses are leaders. My most recent passion has been to develop Interprofessional healthcare teaching teams to allow students to leave their silo style education and develop collaborative care plans.

As a leader within the Traditional Track in the Undergraduate Nursing Program I seek to inspire our faculty team to find the best way to educate the nurses of the future, teaching students to blend skills in technology with compassionate, holistic, quality care.  We seek to create nurses who are strong patient advocates, nurses who use the Benedictine values as part of their anchor for moral decision making, and finally nurses who are able to seek answers rooted in Evidence Based Practice.  As healthcare becomes increasingly complex, the nurses of the future are called to imagine new delivery care models.  Imagination and problem solving can be stimulated by accessing a liberal arts foundation. 

My outside interests include experimentation in a broad range of textile arts, extensive travel abroad, and the production and cooking of local foods.


Jody Cadotte, MSN, APRN, WHNP-BC, Assistant Professor of Nursing


University of South Alabama, Master of Science in Nursing, 2011

Auburn University Montgomery, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 2006

Park University, Bachelor of Science in Social Psychology, 2004

Professional Licensure:

Jody Cadotte began teaching full-time in the RN to BS Nursing Program in the fall of 2016, after teaching as an adjunct faculty member for the program.  Jody holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Social Psychology from Park University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Auburn University.  In 2011, she earned her Master of Science degree in Nursing from the University of South Alabama with a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner specialty.  Her professional nursing experience includes neonatal intensive care nursing, maternal child health nursing, plastic surgery and women’s health.  Jody is passionate about nursing and nursing education, especially online education.  Having obtained 2 degrees online herself, she has a solid understanding of the unique needs of the distance learner and understands the importance of creating an inclusive learning environment for all students.  Jody has a love of teaching, and a strong commitment to nursing.  She understands the importance of providing all nurses with a strong educational foundation.  Jody is honored for the opportunity to educate and mentor future generations of nurses, and to be part of the amazing community at The College of St. Scholastica. 









Heather Conito, MSN, RN

Education: The College of St. Scholastica - Bachelors of Science Nursing Walden University - Master of Science in Nursing Education Biography: Experience working in inpatient care area, specializing in Gastroenterology/Hepatology. Recent outpatient and telehealth experience in Community Internal Medicine.

Gina Diaz, DNP, RN


The College of Saint Scholastica - Doctor of Nursing Practice in Advanced Practice Nursing, 2015

The College of Saint Scholastica - Gerontology Nurse Practitioner Certificate, 2011

The College of Saint Scholastica - Master of Arts in Nursing (Adult Nurse Practitioner Track), 2007

Philippine Christian University-Mary Johnston College of Nursing- Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 1982


Dr. Diaz is an Associate Professor in the Traditional Undergraduate (TUG) Nursing at the Duluth campus. Her clinical background includes critical care nursing, geriatric nursing, and transcultural nursing.  She developed the Philippines Capstone for senior nursing students and the lead faculty for this international clinical experience.

Dr. Diaz is a recipient of the Max H. Lavine Award for Teaching Excellence 2017 from The College of St. Scholastica. 



Beth Donahue, M.A., R.N.

Upon graduating from St. Scholastica with a baccalaureate degree I found myself launched into a variety of wonderful practice experiences.  My early nursing career was focused primarily in the care of the obstetrical and newborn client, as well as with the acutely ill hospitalized adult client, particularly those with cancer.  But the pull back to St. Scholastica and to education in particular became very strong in time, and I decided to pursue a graduate degree as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Adult Nursing.  This preparation afforded me the incredible opportunity to begin a career that focused on the education of nursing students.  As a faculty-member in the Traditional Undergraduate Program, School of Nursing, I am privileged to work with students in a variety of venues; classroom, skills lab, simulation lab and the clinical environment. 

My philosophy of teaching is to serve as an “experience facilitator” for the students I work with.  Learning experiences occur in the most unexpected and unpredictable ways if one is receptive and curious.  I have quickly come to realize that health care changes much too fast to prepare students for all that they are likely to encounter.  If, however, I can teach students to be an effective lifelong learner, I have succeeded in teaching.    


Patricia Earley, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC




Professional Affiliations:


Mary Gdula, MSN, FNP-C

Education: University of New Mexico - MSN 2000 Suomi College - AD nursing 1995 Bradley University - BA International Studies and Political Science 1988 Biography: Mary moved to Duluth in the fall of 2017 with her husband and teenage daughter after living in Utah, NM, and Arizona since 1995. She has over 20 years of experience providing direct patient care in multiple different rural settings. Currently at St Scholastica she has taken on an administration role in the School of Nursing as a grant manager for the graduate nursing department, which is a new and exciting challenge.


Candace Ginsberg, MAN, PNP, FNP, PHN, RN, Assistant Professor of Nursing

My areas of interest have always been family nursing, underserved populations, and trans-cultural nursing.  In the past ten years I've added climate change as a pressing concern. These passions reveal themselves in the stories I share with students - helping them connect to the very real needs of our patients within the larger context of family, community, political/economic realities, and the globe. I have taken students to Belize several times to connect them to direct service learning projects in a transcultural setting but I also recognize that all students need the opportunity to build hands-on skills in public health - even in the on-line environment.  When not adjunct teaching, I unwind by writing, spending time with friends, and being replenished by the presence of wind and sky over Lake Superior.


Matthew Grimes,


Byron Herdman, DNP, APRN, CNP

Position: Assistant Professor and Director, Post-Baccalaureate Nursing Program



Doctorate of Nursing Practice (2020).  The College of St. Scholastica

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (2015).   The College of St. Scholastica

Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (2013).  University of Minnesota

Biography: Dr. Byron Herdman is an Assistant Professor in the School of Health Professions and Director of the Post-Baccalaureate Nursing Program.  His nursing background includes critical care, cardiology, case management and medical/surgical nursing in both urban and rural settings.  He also has experience in rural emergency medical services and the fire service.  In addition to his administrative role, Dr. Herdman primarily teaches in the laboratory and simulation setting, as well as supervising faculty- and preceptor-led clinical rotations. 

Commonly Taught Courses: NSG 4636: Practicum IV; supervising faculty for faculty- and preceptor-led clinical rotations.


Rena Herheim, MSN, RN

St. Cloud State University- Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 2008
Sacred Heart University- Master of Science in Nursing (Education Track), 2014
Assistant Professor Herheim has focused much of her career in education on various methods to enhance learning in undergraduate nursing students. Her primary educational role has been focused on facilitating student learning in medical-surgical theory, skills, and clinical courses. She is interested in continued research on how to improve lab activities and simulation experiences.

Recent achievements (awards/publications/honors):
In 2015, Assistant Professor Herheim’s research article, “Collaborative Classroom Simulation (CCS): An Innovative Pedagogy Using Simulation in Nursing Education” was published in the National League for Nursing journal, Nursing Education Perspectives.  She also presented the research findings at the Nuts and Bolts for Nurse Educators Conference 2014 in Minneapolis, MN.  Her current research efforts are focused on designing a collaborative research project on how to best utilize the “flipped classroom” approach when educating baccalaureate nursing students. 

Michelle Hoffmann, MSN, RN, HNB-BC

Michelle is an assistant professor in the traditional undergraduate nursing program. She holds a Master of Science degree in Nursing Education from Bethel University and a Bachelor of Science degree in both Nursing and Family Social Science from the University of Minnesota. She has been a nurse since 2001 and joined St. Scholastica as faculty in 2019.

Her clinical background includes care of adult and pediatric populations in both the acute care hospital and community settings at the Children's Hospital of Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, and Essentia Health, with a special emphasis on integrative nursing and cardiovascular care. After working in direct patient care, she transitioned into the nursing leadership professional development role to provide educational programs to support the work of nurses in the acute care setting.  Her work in this role has placed her in a unique position to help provide educational insights that help prepare nursing graduates with the skills needed to transition to practice. She has been a conference speaker on the topics of precepting, simulation and integrative holistic nursing and has a passion for promoting holistic care for both the client and the nurse. Her most recent presentation was at the 2023 International Society of Simulation in Health Conference. When not teaching she enjoys time with her family, the great outdoors and a perfectly brewed cup of tea. 


Karianne Hultman, DNP, MSN, BSN, RN



Arlene Johnson, PhD, RN

Position: Adjunct FacultyDepartment: RN to BS NursingPhone: unlistedE-Mail:


Arlene Johnson PhD, RN retired from full time faculty in the School of Nursing in 2017. She earned a BA in Nursing from the College of St. Scholastica, an MA in Nursing with a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner specialty from the College of St. Catherine, and a PhD in Education, specializing in Teaching and Training Online from Capella University. Her dissertation research, Transition to Online Learning: The Study of a Graduate Nursing Faculty, was published in Nursing Education Perspectives. Dr. Johnson has been the Principal Investigator in multiple research grants.

Why Do I Teach?

As a nursing faculty member for the past 20 years, I have provided instruction to baccalaureate and graduate nursing students. My desire to teach nursing, as well as to practice nursing, stems from my commitment to the nursing profession. I consider it a privilege to be able to share the knowledge and experience that I have gained in my nursing career with students as they prepare to become the next generation of caregivers. As faculty members, we are charged not only with promoting student learning of the scientific facet of nursing, but we must also encourage exploration of how students will exemplify a caring presence to their future patients. My goal as a faculty member is to be an excellent role model for students and one who encourages them to perform at their highest potential and represent the nursing profession well. I am very excited to work with students in the RN to BS program at the College of St. Scholastica.


Sherry Johnson, DNP,APRN,CNP,CNS,

Assistant Professor, Graduate Nursing

Clinical Practice:  Infectious Disease Associates, St. Luke's Hospital and Clinics, Duluth, MN

                             International Travel Clinic, St. Luke's Hospital, Duluth, MN

Areas of interest include:  Preventive care/Immunizations, Hepatitis C, and HIV, and complex case management that includes outpatient antimicrobial therapy aa well as prior authorization of expensive treatments.  I am also interested and support independent practice for APRN's, healthcare reform, and the promotion of nurses as scholars.  


Margaret Kalina, RN, PhD

I graduated from the University of Minnesota with my Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Master's in Public Health.  I received a doctorate in business from Capella University.  I have taught from CSS for many years as an online instructor for the RN to BSN program.  My day job is chief nursing officer at Alomere Health in Alexandria, MN.  


Donna Karch, PhD, PMP

Donna Karch is an Adjunct Instructor with the school of Business and Technology teaching online courses in the Masters Arts in IT Leadership and Masters of Science in Project Management. Her academic interests include project management, project leadership, knowledge management, and portfolio management. Dr. Karch holds a Ph.D. in Information Technology Project Management, a MS in Technology Management/Project Management, and a BS in Information Systems Management, as well as a Project Management Professional certification from the Project Management Institute. She is also principle owner/photographer of Karch Photography & Graphic Design. In her spare time, Dr. Karch enjoys golfing, traveling, photography, and riding her 2014 Harley-Davidson Triglide.


Rebecca Kastanek, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC

Centracare Health System, Saint Cloud Hospital Saint Cloud, MN Advanced Practice Provider, ARPN, DNP July 2016- present Clinical practice setting in acute rehabilitation in the hospital and clinic setting with primary focus on Brain injury, stroke, general neurological dysfunction College of Saint Scholastica Duluth, MN Adjunct Nursing faculty December 2016- present Provide online and clinical instruction to DNP and BSN students. Provide clinical instruction for BS-RN undergraduate level students within the acute care hospital setting


Christopher Kemnitz, Ph.D., MSN, RN

Dr. Kemnitz has baccalaureate degrees in Biology and Nursing from Carroll College and the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh respectively. He received his PhD in physiology from Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI in 1994 with a specialization in neurophysiology and completed a Masters of Nursing Education in 2015 at Western Governors University. Dr. Kemnitz has extensive collegiate teaching experience in biology and nursing and has been the recipient of several awards and honors including the Max Lavine Award for Excellence in Scholarship, the Daisy Award for Teaching Excellence in Nursing, and is a Minnesota Hartford Geriatric Nursing Scholar and FLAG fellow. Nationally, Dr. Kemnitz is a recognized subject matter expert in anatomy & physiology and nursing and is a consultant for the American Council on Education. Dr. Kemnitz has published two textbooks and has published and presented articles on basic science, human factors, anatomy, physiology, and educational practices. He continues to pursue his interests in nursing education, evaluation & assessment, and healthcare quality improvement. Most recently Dr. Kemnitz was selected as a Sigma Theta Tau International Rising Star for his masters thesis work on nursing student clinical evaluation. He is the current interim chair of the Department of Graduate Nursing at CSS.


Kenzie Kleven,


Julie Knuths, DNP, RN


St. Catherine University-Doctor of Nursing Practice, 2016

University of MN-Master of Science in Nursing, CNS track

The College of St. Catherine, St. Paul,- Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Dr. Knuths is the Chair of the Department of Undergraduate Nursing Programs.  Her clinical background includes critical care nursing, healthcare administration and healthcare research.  Her teaching philosophy includes the conviction that students need to be supported with respect and compassion while challenged to reach higher and go farther.  Dr. Knuths leads two pre-licensure baccalaureate programs (one traditional face to face, and one hybrid online accelerated), and the fully online post-licensure program for RN's to complete their baccalaureate degree.  






The College of St. Scholastica - Bachelors of Arts in Nursing, 2003

The College of St. Scholastica - Doctor of Nursing Practice in Family Nurse Practitioner, 2016

The College of St. Scholastica - Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Certificate, 2021


Allison Lesmann, DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC,FNP-C

Dr. Lesmann is a proud College of St. Scholastica graduate and was extremely honored to be hired as an adjunct instructor in the RN to BS program. She has been an adjunct instructor since 2014 and strives to make a positive impact on all of her students. 

Dr. Lesmann has been a nurse for 25 years and currently works full time in an outpatient pediatric clinic in Minot, ND. She feels extremely passionate about preventative and holistic care for the pediatric population she serves.

She is married and has 3 boys and 2 fur babies. In her spare time, she runs and listens to audiobooks. 


Lori Lindgren, MSN, RN, PHN, FNP-BC, HTCP

Ms. Lindgren’s areas of specialty include holistic nursing practices, public health care, and obstetrical care. She is a certified Family Nurse Practitioner, and is also certified in Healing Touch. Lori has over 20 years of experience serving people who are low income and homeless. For the past 5 years she has taught primarily the theory content for maternal child, integral health, evidence based practice, public health clinical and nutrition. She has taught the sophomore, junior, and senior undergraduate nursing students, as well as the postbaccalaureate nursing students.
The philosophy of holistic and integral care has been a cornerstone for the care that I provide to patients as a nurse and nurse practitioner and I continue to embrace this philosophy as a teacher. Students are more than just students. They bring a unique set of experiences to the classroom. They are individuals with specific needs and gifts. I incorporate their unique experiences into the classroom by asking questions about life experiences and about how to apply other aspects of their education to the current classroom. My teaching philosophy reflects aspects of the integrative model for the School of Nursing and the Benedictine values here at St. Scholastica. The School of Nursing model incorporates the mind, body, and spirit of the person with a focus on an integrative approach to health promotion, a healing journey with illness, and a global perspective with population based health. The skills that are utilized include competence, caring, critical thinking, collaboration and communication. The Benedictine values include community, hospitality, respect, stewardship (social justice) and love of learning. Having students learn about the art and science of nursing, themselves, asking pertinent questions, and paying attention to prevention are ways to reflect this model and these values as it pertains to my teaching philosophy.
Primary Goals in Teaching:
To have students learn the art and science of nursing.
We learn from evidence based practice the ways to provide the most effective care, and yet there is the human element of caring that adds a dimension that is not easily researched. I believe the element of caring is critical to the art and science of nursing, and to my teaching. It is the art of nursing. One way I will demonstrate this in my classroom is by role playing a patient and having students ask me questions and provide teaching/counseling. They soon realize that no two circumstances will be the same. The art of care is the dynamic interplay between two people in the classroom or between nurse and patient.
To have students learn about themselves and embrace their unique nature and gifts.
The holistic, integral philosophy allows me to consider the diverse backgrounds of students and understand their unique gifts to the classroom and to nursing. Diversity is more than the ethnic or cultural origins of a person. For me, diversity is the complex individual experiences, interests, and beliefs of the students. Incorporating these factors into my classroom adds a unique richness to the content being discussed.
To have students learn the art of asking pertinent questions.
Learning the art of asking a question not only incorporates what question to ask and when, but why that question is relevant and most importantly how to ask the question with respectful curiosity. Learning the art of asking pertinent questions will aid the student in self-reflection and self-awareness, which brings us back to the first goal. To know ones limitations and strengths is an important attribute in nursing for many reasons, but primarily to provide safe and appropriate nursing care. Also, learning the art of asking pertinent questions will aid the student in life-long learning. 
To have students learn to pay attention to aspects of prevention as it pertains to health care.
Culturally, our health care system is based on a response to people with illness/disease when it occurs. This response-based approach needs to be reformed. One of the ways that is discussed at various conferences and through literature is to focus on prevention interventions. Nursing texts are primarily written in a way that is a response to the illness. What I attempt to do in the classroom is have students pay attention to what interventions could be applied to prevent the disease/illness for patients. The focus on prevention alerts the students to health care disparities and social issues of a more complex nature instead of only learning how to respond to a person with a health issue. Both prevention and response are important to provide optimal health care to people.

Madelynn Lozinski,


Barbara Mason, MSN, RN



SueAnne Mattson, MA, RN, CHSE


College of St. Scholastica


Sue Mattson has worked in a variety of healthcare institutions as a staff nurse and nurse practitioner in the acute care setting, a nurse practitioner in ambulatory care, and an assistant professor in both the traditional and post-baccalaureate undergraduate nursing programs.  She uses this knowledge and experience to prepare future professional nurses to work in dynamic and complex care environments.  She integrates the use of technology, hands-on skills, the Benedictine values to engage students and to prepare baccalaureate nurses to provide holistic care.  She is a Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator.  Ms. Mattson is a champion for Interprofessional Education and collaborates with disciplines of medicine, pharmacy, occupational therapy, physical therapy and social work from both CSS and UMD.  

Recent Achievements:

Sue Mattson received the Excellence Award in Advising and Mentoring in 2018, the Equal Access award in 2016 and the Daisy Award in 2015.  She has presented at several national  interprofessional and simulation conferences, most recently at the NEXUS Summit in 2018. She has been nominated for multiple Daisy awards and the Tassie McNamara award.   She is currently conducting research and publication regarding interprofessional education experiences.  








Susan McCoy, Ed.D., MSN-Ed., RN

My nursing career began as a nurse corps officer in the U.S. Navy specializing in critical care. I also have worked in the area of community health nursing and forensic nursing. I have been teaching at the community college and university level for 25 years (both live and online).  



Education: DNP, University of Minnesota; Post Master's Adult &  Family Nurse Practitioner Certificate, The College of St. Scholastica ; M.S, Public Health Nursing, University of Minnesota; B.S. Community Health Education, University of Minnesota; Diploma, St. Luke's School of Nursing

Biography: Dr. McCumber has been teaching at St. Scholastica since 2003. Her interests include: geriatric and chronic health care; dementia care: primary mental health care; interprofessional teaching; care coordination; active learning strategies including telehealth and simulation; and nurse advocacy and health policy development. Dr. McCumber has had active leadership positions at local, state and national nursing organizations for the past 40 years including the ANA, ANA-PAC, ANCC, GAPNA, MNA, MNORN and MNNP. Dr. McCumber maintains a clinic practice at Essentia Health Neurology with adults with memory disorders.  Other clinical practice has included Long Term Care, Convenient Care, Correctional Health Care/Public Health. Dr. McCumber has made over 100 peer-reviewed and invited presentations locally, state wide and nationally.

Recent Achievements:

Baker, N.; Schipper, L.; McCumber, S.; & Fay, V. (In-press). Utilization of long-term care facilities for primary care nurse practitioner students.  Journal of Nursing Education.


Schipper, L.; Fay, V.: McCumber, S. (2019).  Primary care in long-term care sites:  Long-term care sites as appropriate clinical placements for primary care nurse practitioner students.  Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association: Washington, DC

McCumber, S. (2020 & 2018). Suggested preceptor preparation for role & Suggested teaching guidelines for preceptors. In Gerontology resources for APRN preceptors and students (6th ed).  Pitman, New Jersey: Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association.

McCumber, S. (2018). Ecumen scholars: 2018 home care externship manual.  Shoreview, MN: Ecumen.

Donovan, M. L. & McCumber, S. (2015). Interprofessional collaborative practice: Dementia case studies engage nurse practitioner and occupational therapy students.  Journal of Nursing Education.

Train New Trainers (TNT) Primary Care Psychiatry (PCP) Fellowship. (2021).

National Community Service Award. (2020). Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association.

Certificate- Distinguished Educator in Gerontological Nursing. (2019). National Hartford Center for Geriatric Nurse Excellence.                       

American Nurses Advocacy Institute Fellowship. (2015-2016).                        

Edmund Safra Visiting Nurse Faculty Parkinson’s Fellowship. (2013).

Hartford Geriatric Scholar. (2008) University of Minnesota School of Nursing

Education Fellow. (2005). Minnesota Area Geriatric Education Center (MAGEC)

Recent Courses Taught: Advanced Health Assessment, Clinical courses including Health Care Management-Adult and Frail Adult, Geriatric Pharmacology & Health Assessment, Clinical Project Courses.  Dr. McCumber is developed a new course Psychiatric Mental Health for Primary Care.




Katherine Meyer, MSN, RN, CCRN


Wendy Mrdutt, MSN, RN


Matthew Nierengarten, DNP, RN

Matthew Nierengarten, DNP, RN

Position: Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, Traditional Undergraduate Program

Education: Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 2013

BSN to Doctor of Nursing Practice in Healthcare Leadership, 2023

Biography: Matthew graduated from St. Scholastica in 2013 and began working in a Level One Trauma & Neurological Intensive Care Unit shortly thereafter. He joined the Traditional Undergraduate Program in 2019 while simultaneously starting the BSN to DNP program at St. Scholastica. He serves as one of the counselors for the St. Scholastica Theta Xi chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, International Nursing Honor Society.

Certifications: BLS, ACLS, NAEMT Instructor for Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support, TNCC, NIHSS

Courses: Healthcare Across the Continuum II & IV, Faculty Supervisor for the ICU Elective for HEC IV, Clinical Preceptor, Capstone Faculty, Professional Nursing V



Assistant Professor of Graduate  Nursing


BSN from University of Mary (Bismarck, ND)

DNP from Winona State University (Rochester, MN)

Clinical Interests:

Critical Care Medicine, Cardiovascular Surgery, Heart Failure Cardiology, and Advanced Care Planning 


Pam Olson, Academic Advisor

Academic Advisor for:

Students, feel free to connect with me via email (


Maria Pelleschi, MS, RN, CNE


I have been a registered nurse since 1982. My interests include critical care nursing, palliative care, bioethics, and staff development. I have taught college courses in both the online and “brick-and-mortar” formats. My professional nursing experiences include working as a staff nurse in medical surgical and critical care areas, and serving as a critical care educator, ethics committee member, and palliative care coordinator. I am very grateful for the opportunity to be part of the Saint Scholastica Community.


Brooke Pettinelli, MSN, APRN, CNP, FNP-BC, GNP-BC




MSN- College of St. Scholastica 2010

BSN- College of St. Scholastica 2007

B.A. - Biochemistry/Biology- College of St. Scholastica 2004

EMT Certificate Mesabi Range Community and Technical College - 2012


Biography: Research interests include multimorbidity management, palliative care, population management, care of the older adult with dementia.


Courses: Advanced Pharmacology, Lifespan Health Assessment


Carrie Pfeifer,


Amos Restad,

Amos Restad is an instructor in the traditional undergraduate nursing department. His primary content area is medical-surgical nursing theory, lab, and clinical. Prior to joining the faculty team in 2015, he worked as a registered nurse at Essentia Health in the adult critical care units. He maintains a position there on a casual status. He received his B.S. in nursing and his B.A. in biology from The College of St. Scholastica in 2010. In 2013 he attained his critical care certification through the American Association of Critical Care Nurses. He is currently enrolled in the doctorate of nursing practice program at The College of St. Scholastica and is pursuing his family nurse practitioner credentials.

Amos has worked with the faculty team to develop a concept-based nursing curriculum. He is a member of the International Nursing Association for Clinical and Simulation Learning (INACSL), and he has developed new simulations based on INACSL guidelines. Additional service activities include developing a guide for faculty recruiting incoming students and educating faculty and staff within the school of nursing on use of new technology that may enhance learning opportunities. In his spare time he enjoys spending time at the gym, gardening, kayaking, and motorcycling with his family.


Professional Nursing & Health Care II

Health Continuum II: Individual Physiologic Responses Theory

Health Continuum II: Individual Physiologic Responses Lab and Simulation

Interprofessional Care Coordination of Veterans

Medical-Surgical Clinical

Professional Nursing & Health Care V: Transition to Practice Theory

Professional Nursing & Health Care V: Transition to Practice Simulation


Kaytlin Richie,


Sheryl Sandahl, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, CPNP-PC, MPH, MSN


Sheryl Scheer Sandahl, DNP, RN, FNP-BC, MPH, MSN

Baccalaureate degree in nursing from St. Olaf College. Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner from St. Catherine's University with a Master of Public Health degree (Maternal Child focus) from the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. Master of Science in Nursing and a Doctor of Nursing Practice from Case Western Reserve University Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing.  Post-Masters Family Nurse Practitioner Certificate from The College of St. Scholastica. Joined the CSS community full-time in 2002. Teaching experience in online, classroom, skills lab and simulation, and clinical environments in undergraduate and graduate nursing. Interests include curriculum development and assessment, simulation, and collaborative testing in nursing education. National League for Nursing Simulation Institute Leadership participant for 2018. Serves on the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Organizational Leadership Network Steering Committing. Experienced Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education site evaluator. Grant reviewer for U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration. Member of Sigma (National Honor Society for Nursing), Minnesota Organization of Leaders in Nursing, National League for Nursing, and the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. 


Elisa Schmitz, DNP, APRN, CPNP


Doctorate of Nursing Practice

The College of St. Scholastica

Duluth, MN


Master of Science in Nursing

University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN


Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Bethel University

St. Paul, MN


Teaching Responsibilities:

Recipients of Care across the Lifespan II and III - theory and clinicals; Health Continuum II and III - clinicals; Health Continuum V - lab and Alaska Capstone.


Academic and Research Interests:

Pediatrics, Community Health Nursing including School Based Nursing, Food Allergy Awareness, and Evidenced Based Practice.


Tristan Senenfelder,


Laura Smith, DNP, RN, PHN




Elizabeth Stewart,


JoAnn Tingum, MSN, RN, CHSE

Education: Winona State University: Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 2008 St. Catherine’s University: Master of Science in Nursing: Nurse Educator, 2016 Biography: JoAnn Tingum joined The College of St. Scholastica in 2018 and transitioned to her role as Simulation Director in 2019.  Her clinical background includes work with patients in the Acute and Critical Care settings.  In addition, JoAnn has experience working in education in the healthcare setting with a focus on promoting professional development among nursing staff and patient care teams through simulation and other teaching modalities. She holds a membership to the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSIH), International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL), and Association of Standardized Patient Educators (APSE).  Her passion for education and simulation is driven by the joy of providing experiential learning opportunities which expand the experiences available to learners and ultimately improves patient safety.  In her free-time, she enjoys reading, hiking, and spending time with family. 


Gregory White, DNP, APRN, FNP-C


Minnesota State University Moorhead, Moorhead, MN - Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Simmons University, Boston, MA - Master of Science in Family Nurse Practice

The College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, MN - Doctorate of Nursing Practice and Healthcare Leadership


Dr. Greg White is the Director of the Traditional Undergraduate Nursing Program. He is an advanced practice registered nurse and Veteran with experience in multiple roles including pre-hospital, flight and military medicine, emergency and critical care nursing, as well as nursing education and leadership. He is also the faculty lead for the Veteran to BS in Nursing program, which works with cohorts of veterans and currently serving military members to promote veteran nursing student success, individualized advising and counseling, and recognition of existing leadership and clinical skills throughout their admission and progress in the Traditional Undergraduate Nursing Program.

Recent achievements: 

Dr. White was the overall winner of the inaugural Florence Award by the Duluth News Tribune in 2020 for Strength in Empathy, Mission, and Innovation in the field of Nursing. He was also selected as Nurse of the Year for the Air National Guard in 2019.

He is an inductee and active member of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, and holds certification in Family Nurse Practice from the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), of which he is also a member.

Current Courses:

NSG 3370: Pathopharmacology for Nursing Practice (Lecture, Course Designer)
